Study Abroad - الدراسة بالخارج

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Why are there so many students who would like to study abroad but so few that actually go? The answer
 could be as simple as not knowing where to start. 

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There was a survey a few months back, according to which about 73% employers think that studying
abroad is a golden star for the junior-level employees.
Why would they think so? What is about studying abroad that makes them feel secure about hiring 
Let us tell you.
Studying abroad is not a travel-and-living package packed in a degree giftwrap. Studying abroad is 
actually, truly a lesson- and everybody knows this. When you are studying abroad, living on your own, 
doing your own stuff, you -kind of- become somebody better than the average graduate graduating from 
any university back home.
Here is how:
You already have a work experience.
When you are studying there for a year or two or three, you just cannot afford to sit back and let your 
parents or bank pay for everything you do there. Almost every University abroad allows you to work while you study. 
You are expected to do that. Icing on the cake? You have a global experience.
You almost know it all about ‘Initiative’.
You become self-sufficient and independent. From the point of view of the employer, you are not going to
 drag your heels just about everywhere, expecting somebody to do your work for you. You will know how 
to take that extra step. You will develop problem-solving skills.
You know what you want.
When you have been on your own, you have known yourself. You will learn adaptation, you will learn to 
respect difference of opinion and lifestyle and -most importantly- you’ll be aware of your “true calling”, 
so to speak. You will know which field you want to pursue or if you want to start your own venture. And 
you will know how to run around for it all.
What makes a degree gained from abroad more valuable than the one gained in India?
A curriculum oriented towards practical application.
Research opportunities and facilities, along with the diversity of fields you can choose from.
A mind-boggling range and knowledge of upcoming international trends and career choices. Add to that, 
International exposure, of course.
Where will that leave you?


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