Friday, April 29, 2016


SCHOLARSHIPS can literally change lives. If you’re an Egyptian or North African student concerned that you won’t be able to afford university, this is particularly true. Fortunately, there are plenty of scholarships aimed specifically at students from Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Libya and Tunisia to help you get a degree. Here’s a list of some of the best scholarships for students from North Africa.

Location: UK
This undergraduate scholarship at one of Britain’s best universities gives you 50% off your annual tuition fee for each year of your degree, making it a lot cheaper for North African students to study in the UK. To be eligible, you must be accepted onto a course at the University of Sheffield and be a permanent resident of Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco or Algeria. The award applies to any course, except Medicine and Dentistry – these subjects receive a discount for non-clinical years only. There are 10 scholarships available.

International Student Scholarships, Bilkent University
Location: Turkey
For people in Egypt and North Africa, studying in Turkey is an appealing prospect: it’s culturally more similar to their home country and often cheaper than Western countries, plus it’s generous with scholarships. Bilkent University offers its international students discounts on their tuition fees from 20% to 100%, with some students paying nothing for their degree. They also offer some scholarships for paying accommodation fees.

MENA Scholarship Program, IHS Erasmus
Location: The Netherlands
The sought-after MENA Scholarship allows students who already have a degree-level education to study short courses in the Netherlands, including IHS Erasmus. It’s ideal if you’re already working but want to improve your skills (and your salary!). The courses you can study at IHS Erasmus includes MSc Urban Management & Development, Local Economic Development and Land Management. Applicants from anywhere in North Africa can apply, and there are 140 awards available.

Location: USA
The Onsi Sawiris program is aimed specifically at outstanding Egyptian and North African students who want to attend a top US university, but are unable to pay for fees. If eligible, you could study a Master of Business Administration (MBA) or Master of Construction degree at institutions like Harvard, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford, Yale and Princeton, among others. The entry criteria are rigorous, but if you meet them you could get your tuition fees, travel, insurance and accommodation paid for in full while you study abroad. Applications for the 2017/2018 academic year are now open.

The impressive campus at MIT in Boston, USA.
Location: Europe and USA
The Qalaa Holdings scholarship is relatively young, but provides 15-20 Egyptian students with the chance to take a postgraduate course at some of the world’s best universities. However, this is on one condition: that the students return to Egypt when they graduate. The aim of the scholarship is to enable talented young people to use their Master or PhD degree to improve their country, which can be in a wide variety of subjects. Previous applicants have studied in places as sought-after as the University of Oxford in England, Columbia University in the US, and various schools in Finland, Germany and Sweden.

International Student Scholarships, Cardiff University
Location: UK
Cardiff University is a prestigious research university in the UK, and in 2016 has released a new £1.5 million scholarship fund. The scholarships are for students of any subject, from any country, and include undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD courses. The awards will vary, but could be up to 18,250 GBP, making study in the UK much more accessible for Egyptian students. Not only that, but Cardiff has low living costs, good employment rates and belongs to the Russell Group, a selection of British universities recognised for their academic excellence. Find out more about Cardiff University here.

Location: Egypt and Lebanon
Finally, we have the Tomorrow’s Leaders scholarship for North African students. This scholarship is the full package: tuition, accommodation, travel, insurance and even study abroad in the USA are all covered. The program is aimed at promising high school students who would not otherwise be able to afford university, and allows them to study at the accredited American University in Cairo. If you have good grades, leadership potential and English language skills, you could be eligible for an amazing opportunity in Egypt.


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